Jesus Christ in the Christian Tradition
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Published: 21 February 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Getting to the position of God and his direct recognition is always one of the important concerns of mankind, which is referred to as mysticism. According to the Christian mystics, truth is not perceived by reason and another force is needed. The Christian mystic seeks to know the secret of the word, and intuition is a means by which you can know God without mediation. The seeker is trying hard to see and hear his eyes and ears of his intuition, seeing with the eye that he sees a light that never gets extinguished and always radiates his beards and reflects his thoughts. The word of God comes in the form of a divine logos, it is presented in the Spirit of the Holy Spirit that comes from the Son. In fact, the presence of the Holy Spirit deserves them the love God has of his child. In Christian mysticism, the ways of gathering people into the divine kingdom is Jesus Christ. There are many evidences in the Bible verses, especially Matthew's Gospel that tells us this. This essay attempts to explain the position of Jesus Christ in the Christian tradition.
Keywords: Christian mysticism, Jesus Christ, love, humility, suffering, cultivation, alliance.

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How to Cite
Ensyeh Shire Khodai , Abolfazle Mhamoodi, Tahere Haj Ebrahimi. (2019-02-21). "Jesus Christ in the Christian Tradition." *Volume 3*, 1, 39-45